Issue Twelve — Brink


 Winter 2024

Contributor bios

Tashroom Ahsan is a conceptual project based inside of a (special) gnome.

Camille Chang is happy to see/wanting to meet you. 

Arthur Delot-Vilain is a junior in Davenport college. If you can’t tell from the way he writes, Arthur does not like wearing shoes.

Aurelia Dochnal is ready to learn a whole lot more about the world.

Natasha Gaither is no longer a student (shh…).

Eli Osei feels that if we all sat down and thought about what we believed in, the world would be a better place. He’s sad we haven’t found time to do so.

I say Anaiis Rios-Kasoga. You think _____ (something really nice she hopes).

Brunella Tipismana is on full financial aid but she’s really chill about it.

Victoria Vilton is a sophomore in Branford College from Brooklyn, New York. She is a lover of eclectic earrings and has tried—and failed—to learn the saxophone. In her free time, Victoria likes to say “LOL” out loud and mention George Harrison once an hour.  

Elio Wentzel mends provisions to sea, tendering stories, swathed in soft things.

Zahra Yarali misses her stop on the Northeast Regional more often than she’d like to admit…